Unmatched chemistry

Some people believe in soulmates, others don't, and some say it's possible to share a connection with more than just one person throughout life but don't quite have a label for it. And me? What do I believe? 

I believe in chemistry, and while I don't disagree with the idea that it's perfectly possible to share a connection with more than one person throughout life, I feel that each connection we share with other people differs from the next and that there really is only ONE time we experience a connection with someone so impossibly amazing that it surpasses others.

Do I believe everyone experiences it?

I believe that not all individuals are fortunate enough to experience such a mind-blowing connection with another person. I also believe that those who are, sometimes don't realise this until it's too late and they find themselves in a desperate search for the same feeling of peace and belonging  only to end up disappointed, or even frustrated.

Sometimes this connection appears at the most inconvenient of times. When you've perhaps already decided on following one path, and suddenly you find yourself in limbo. You may choose to keep following the original path but are unable to forget this ONE great connection you shared with another individual. 

I find we are able to function well with plenty of people, but there's only one person who we grow especially close to, let our guard completely down with, and feel like we want to bare our souls to.

Even long after we've experienced such a connection, every little thing reminds us of something this person said or did or something we experienced together. It's rare, and it can happen either with friendships or intimate relationships, in my opinion. My name for such a connection is "Unmatched Chemistry". 

Holding on or letting go? 

If you're one of those fortunate people who held on to a special connection by any means necessary, congratulations! At least you don't have to spend a lifetime wondering what if

On the other hand, it may still be achievable to let go of a once-in-a-lifetime connection when you realise that it's disrupting the flow of a life you've envisioned for yourself.

Sometimes it's tough to let go of something that turns your life upside down but still makes you feel seen, understood, and at home. But sometimes it may be just what needs to be done to avoid chaos.

Fortunately for me, I was able to experience Unmatched Chemistry at one point in my life, and while it was not held onto, it impacted my life in a very positive way, and I'll forever cherish the memories and the lessons I learned from it.


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