It's JUST hair

Ever since I made the decision to cut my hair, I feel like my outlook on life completely changed. Nothing seems overly serious anymore. And when I catch myself wanting to stress about certain things, I take a step back and remind myself that we, more often than not, like to make things more complicated for ourselves.

Cutting one's hair, as a woman especially, says a lot about the individual. It doesn't necessarily point to insanity, as an article I read while I was still a student at University suggested about women who choose to cut off their long locks -- but the process of change in an individual.

I truly feel that cutting one's hair off marks the turn of events, new beginnings, insight, and sometimes just the fact that the individual in question has had enough of trying to conform to societal standards of beauty.

My reason for cutting my hair wasn't necessarily to defy beauty standards, although I never really tried to fit under the umbrella of what society deems beautiful. It was more as a result of my need for change, my need for more time to focus on other things rather than what to do with my hair at any given point in time. My need to learn about my hair all over again; from scratch. I had spent so much time envying other women with short hair and it was calling to me, so much so that I would dream about cutting my hair short on a number of occasions. It wasn't until I heard a particular statement that I was compelled to finally do it.

It was something I should have done a long time ago, and yet I stalled. I took my time. I was scared. If anything, my husband was very supportive about my decision to cut my hair, and I was happy. He even accompanied me to a barber I had researched. And once it was all gone?... I fell completely in love with what was left. I suddenly saw my hair in a completely new light. Although it might sound cliché, it was like finding a part of me that I didn't even know existed.  I told myself that if I loved it, that's all that mattered.

I, personally, view hair as an extension of the soul, and sometimes we choose to hold on to dead weight (damaged hair/split ends) instead of just letting it go and starting over. Our hair journeys with us through both good and bad and when it's finally cut off, it's like getting a fresh start.

Do I regret cutting my hair? Not at all. If anything, it's taught me how to let go. To let go of the things that no longer serve me; to let go of places, things and people I associate with pain and distress. Most importantly, it has put a lot of things into perspective, especially the following:

I live not to please others. I live fully for myself. 


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